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Your donations will be used for social causes ie. the children’s welfare. Every donation is diligently spent for the food that is served directly or indirectly. On an average, 92% of the total funds is used towards meeting the programme cost and 8% towards the programme management cost. The organisation upholds maximum transparency in funds utilisation.
We visualize to access the good quality healthcare for each person, irrespective of their social or economic background.
We visualize to access the proper education for every child, especially girl children, so they can pull themselves out of poverty.
During disasters,
immediate responds to natural calamities such as floods and cyclones by providing immediate life-saving material, access to clean water and sanitation, and help people rebuild their lives.
We work with communities and policy makers to help find solutions to end discrimination, so that every person can realise their rights.
We focus on the right to access to food, affordable health and education for downtrodden people.
17.8 million children in India remain out of school. Millions of poor Indians cannot afford healthcare.
Fuel Bliss India’s focus on ensuring essential services such as hunger relief, health care and education to reduce the social inequality that keeps people trapped in poverty.
Our work ensures that a child born in a poorest of poor families has a chance at healthcare, prior to and after birth, and at universal, inclusive and quality elementary education.
You can create a fundraiser in less than mins.
Click on Start A Fundraiser in our site
Then add your details and the cause you’d like to raise funds for.
Next, add images and a story describing your cause.
Submit your documents and done!
Your fundraiser will be swiftly approved by our team and will go live.
below are the documents you need based on the cause you are fundraising for:
Personal Causes :
Bellow are the documents you need to submit
=Identity proof – Aadhar Card & PAN Card
=Bank account details
A/C no., A/c holders name and address, IFSC,bank adress
=Any estimates/proper documents that will support your cause
Daily Meal Programme (DMP) is a wholesome freshly-cooked lunch served to children in schools or slum areas or poor colonies in India.
avoid classroom hunger increase school enrolment increase school attendance improve socialisation among castes address malnutritionempower women through employment
Online Medical crowdfunding for individuals and organisations to generate funds required for costly medical treatments like open-heart surgeries, NICU care, bone marrow transplant, cancer treatments and any other diseases
Heavy medical bills are really a burden for Many Individuals and Families
Expenses related to hospital stays, treatments with high- cost therapies routines, and other medicinal costs can be even higher. Treatment costs and necessary living expenses can bring the best of families to the brink of experiencing hard times. Insurance plans are not enough, as policies do not cover everything you need.
Stop worrying about rising medical bills, or debts and start a medical fundraising campaign with Fuel Bliss India .
Our online crowdfunding platform is rated the best in India . Crowdfunding is the easiest way to avail support from friends, family and numerous individuals who are waiting to donate funds.
With Fuel Bliss India , you can start a free, easy fundraiser in minutes to cover medical bills and healthcare costs. You can also take on the role of spreading the word and bring in funds when a close friend is diagnosed with unexpected illnesses. Medical fundraising campaigns can give your well-wishers a way to express support when needed.
Start a Medical Fundraiser for Yourself or a Loved One. Happy to help you.
Crowdfunding is a way to raise money from a large number of people. Large groups of people pool together small individual investments to provide the capital needed to get a company or project off the ground. Individuals, charities, or companies can create a campaign for specific causes and anyone can contribufunds.
Donations from crowdfunding does not require the recipient to pay back the funds. This type is typically more geared to charities and nonprofits. Friends and family members are likely to not expect a return of their funds.